Apex Code |
This file is generated and isn't the actual source code for this
managed global class.
This read-only file shows the class's global constructors,
methods, variables, and properties.
To enable code to compile, all methods return null.
global class DRProcessResult {
global Map<String,Map<String,List<Id>>> createdObjectsByOrder;
global Map<String,Map<String,List<Id>>> createdObjectsByType;
global Map<String,Map<String,Map<String,String>>> errors;
global Map<String,Map<String,Map<String,Map<String,String>>>> errorsByField;
global String failureReason;
global Boolean ignoreErrors;
global Map<String,String> interfaceInfo;
global Boolean rolledBack;
global DRProcessResult() {
global DRProcessResult(String error) {
global Map<String,Object> convertToMapV3() {
return null;
global Map<String,Object> convertToMap() {
return null;
global String getResponseType() {
return null;
global Boolean hasErrors() {
return null;
global Object toJson() {
return null;
global Object toJsonList() {
return null;
global Object toResponse() {
return null;
global String toResponseString() {
return null;