
Apex classe Details
Name DRProcessResult
Label omnistudio.DRProcessResult
Namespace Prefix omnistudio
Status Active
Api Version 60
Apex Code
This file is generated and isn't the actual source code for this
managed global class.
This read-only file shows the class's global constructors,
methods, variables, and properties.
To enable code to compile, all methods return null.
global class DRProcessResult {
    global Map<String,Map<String,List<Id>>> createdObjectsByOrder;
    global Map<String,Map<String,List<Id>>> createdObjectsByType;
    global Map<String,Map<String,Map<String,String>>> errors;
    global Map<String,Map<String,Map<String,Map<String,String>>>> errorsByField;
    global String failureReason;
    global Boolean ignoreErrors;
    global Map<String,String> interfaceInfo;
    global Boolean rolledBack;
    global DRProcessResult() {

    global DRProcessResult(String error) {

    global Map<String,Object> convertToMapV3() {
        return null;
    global Map<String,Object> convertToMap() {
        return null;
    global String getResponseType() {
        return null;
    global Boolean hasErrors() {
        return null;
    global Object toJson() {
        return null;
    global Object toJsonList() {
        return null;
    global Object toResponse() {
        return null;
    global String toResponseString() {
        return null;